A witch's cottage wouldn't be a real witch's cottage without crows on the roof (methinks) so as I sat down yesterday to start working on my owl I decided to make a few crows as well. With better results I may add, therefore I am not going to show you my owl yet. :-)
I was too impatient and took the pictures before I'd finished with them, but the legs still need to be painted black and the glue, if it dries up too messy, I will paint in the colours of the roof. I have not tried to put feathers on (as I am going to try to do with my owl), because I like them just as they are. Good enough for me. :-) (and everyone else I hope) I have been the perfectionist for too long...
I also want to welcome a new follower: Usvis/Kissapiika from Finland at Kissapiian paja. Welcome and I hope you'll find something of interest on this blog, if not on my other blogs...
Only a short update today. I am going to try and see if I can make my owl into a feathered friend....
Bye for now
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
It's been a while...
It's been almost a month to be precise, and I have been busy. Well, busy holidaying, busy whale watching..... :-) However, I have worked hard as well, because after we arrived back home from our holiday I had to get my witch's cottage ready for display. Our club had Open Day on the 19th, and I had decided to finally show off with a few items. Just before I left on holiday I had poured the resin for the water outside the cottage so it would have time to set while we were away and there wouldn't be a chance of me putting fingerprints all over the 'water' while waiting impatiently for it to dry.... I have been in a hurry while taking pictures so I apologise for the quality:
After that something funny happened. We were preparing to get the cottage on a kind of turn-table, you know, a 'lazy-susan' and needed to fit a battery pack underneath, so I was going to lift it up from its crate on which it stood while I was working on it. I lifted it. Well, I tried! I couldn't remember it being so heavy! Tried again. It wouldn't budge. Know what happened??? The resin had seeped between the base and its frame and had set on top of the crate, so in effect it had glued the whole frame to the crate. Luckily we could prise it loose without too much damage...
While I was at it I have taken a few more piccies of the inside:
This was just enough for the display, although I am still working on a few bits and pieces. When I have finished downstairs there's still upstairs to do as well. It's probably going to be Eucalypta's bedroom, but to be honest, I am getting a bit weary of working on this project. I'd rather do something else for a while, so when downstairs is finished I'll move on to something else for a while. In the meantime, this is what I have done today. It's a chest filled with odds and ends. My mind wanders off now and then and I was thinking about the locks and keys that I had bought the other day. Suddenly I needed a chest which could be locked and here it is:
In front is a little rug, printed on paper and I liked what I saw, so it's going to be printed on fabric and will go into the cottage as well. Next is the little wall table in the corner that needs to be finished and my scariest plan is to work on the owl. I have bought beautiful feathers and I would like to try and make it into a real owl, but I'm scared that I can't pull it off. Well, there's only one way to find out. Do it!!! I'll let you know the outcome....
And then over to all my new followers that I have neglected for so long. So first a warm welcome to a few new friends and not so new friends, because there are a number of people that are also following my other blogs. In that case, welcome again. And who are they? I am going to say hello to:
Bastrota from Germany at Bastrotas Blog,
Tori, my daughter-in-law to whom I also have said hello on my other blog. She doesn't have a blog, but is an excellent scrapper when she's got the time between family, work and study!
Ana at Mi mundo en rosa,
Otterine at Otterine.com blog,
Susy at Susy cottage,
Jaime Folk at A Little roomer by Jaime,
M Carmen Casanova at Mini shabby,
Beatrice at Les miniatures de Béatrice.
Be sure to visit the blogs. There's so much interesting stuff.
Furthermore I noticed a few people for whom I couldn't find a blog or website. I would love to show them, so if you do have one, please let me know and I add them to the list. A warm welcome also to you: Yayin, Catherine and aproshkina.
And of course I am happy to see so many followers. I know we've passed the 100 already, and even before my other blog got that far, but I find it very difficult to think of a giveaway for this blog, staying in the theme of witches. So please bear with me, when I have finalised the draw for my other blog I will try and come up with something for this one to thank you all for showing so much interest.
That's all for now, I'm off to bed...
After that something funny happened. We were preparing to get the cottage on a kind of turn-table, you know, a 'lazy-susan' and needed to fit a battery pack underneath, so I was going to lift it up from its crate on which it stood while I was working on it. I lifted it. Well, I tried! I couldn't remember it being so heavy! Tried again. It wouldn't budge. Know what happened??? The resin had seeped between the base and its frame and had set on top of the crate, so in effect it had glued the whole frame to the crate. Luckily we could prise it loose without too much damage...
While I was at it I have taken a few more piccies of the inside:
This was just enough for the display, although I am still working on a few bits and pieces. When I have finished downstairs there's still upstairs to do as well. It's probably going to be Eucalypta's bedroom, but to be honest, I am getting a bit weary of working on this project. I'd rather do something else for a while, so when downstairs is finished I'll move on to something else for a while. In the meantime, this is what I have done today. It's a chest filled with odds and ends. My mind wanders off now and then and I was thinking about the locks and keys that I had bought the other day. Suddenly I needed a chest which could be locked and here it is:
In front is a little rug, printed on paper and I liked what I saw, so it's going to be printed on fabric and will go into the cottage as well. Next is the little wall table in the corner that needs to be finished and my scariest plan is to work on the owl. I have bought beautiful feathers and I would like to try and make it into a real owl, but I'm scared that I can't pull it off. Well, there's only one way to find out. Do it!!! I'll let you know the outcome....
And then over to all my new followers that I have neglected for so long. So first a warm welcome to a few new friends and not so new friends, because there are a number of people that are also following my other blogs. In that case, welcome again. And who are they? I am going to say hello to:
Bastrota from Germany at Bastrotas Blog,
Tori, my daughter-in-law to whom I also have said hello on my other blog. She doesn't have a blog, but is an excellent scrapper when she's got the time between family, work and study!
Ana at Mi mundo en rosa,
Otterine at Otterine.com blog,
Susy at Susy cottage,
Jaime Folk at A Little roomer by Jaime,
M Carmen Casanova at Mini shabby,
Beatrice at Les miniatures de Béatrice.
Be sure to visit the blogs. There's so much interesting stuff.
Furthermore I noticed a few people for whom I couldn't find a blog or website. I would love to show them, so if you do have one, please let me know and I add them to the list. A warm welcome also to you: Yayin, Catherine and aproshkina.
And of course I am happy to see so many followers. I know we've passed the 100 already, and even before my other blog got that far, but I find it very difficult to think of a giveaway for this blog, staying in the theme of witches. So please bear with me, when I have finalised the draw for my other blog I will try and come up with something for this one to thank you all for showing so much interest.
That's all for now, I'm off to bed...
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Spell Candles
Eucalypta got up early this morning and when she stepped out she discovered a full box of spell candles on her doorstep. There's a choice of black or white ones. Don't know what the difference is (except for the colour LOL), but Eucalypta will know!
As you can see I always have problems with applying decals. The 'spell' has gone from the candles. ;-)
Well, let's say it got damaged in transport....
This will be the last item for a while, as I am going away for a few weeks and when I come back my witch's cottage is going on display at the Brisbane Club's Open Day on the 19th of September. I had hoped to have it finished, but I'll just have to call it 'work in progress' at little bit longer. I received the clear resin for the swamp last week, so want to have a try and finish that before I leave, so it gets plenty of time to set.
I have noticed that the number of followers is rapidly approaching 100. I am thrilled. I will have a giveaway (and will also welcome my recent new followers), but that will have to wait till I am back from holidays. I am still thinking of something suitable. Ah well, I've got plenty of time to do so while I am relaxing away from home. :-) In the meantime I would also like to tell you that I so much appreciate all those comments. Everybody is so kind. That's what keeps my blogging going. It's nice to know one has so many friends out there in blog-world.
See you all
As you can see I always have problems with applying decals. The 'spell' has gone from the candles. ;-)
Well, let's say it got damaged in transport....
This will be the last item for a while, as I am going away for a few weeks and when I come back my witch's cottage is going on display at the Brisbane Club's Open Day on the 19th of September. I had hoped to have it finished, but I'll just have to call it 'work in progress' at little bit longer. I received the clear resin for the swamp last week, so want to have a try and finish that before I leave, so it gets plenty of time to set.
I have noticed that the number of followers is rapidly approaching 100. I am thrilled. I will have a giveaway (and will also welcome my recent new followers), but that will have to wait till I am back from holidays. I am still thinking of something suitable. Ah well, I've got plenty of time to do so while I am relaxing away from home. :-) In the meantime I would also like to tell you that I so much appreciate all those comments. Everybody is so kind. That's what keeps my blogging going. It's nice to know one has so many friends out there in blog-world.
See you all
Monday, 23 August 2010
And there is still heaps more space
The cottage only has the one room downstairs. You would think that it can be filled easily, but I keep finding more space, more stuff in my containers and I keep having all those ideas in my head. So, I've been working hard again. ;-)
Let's see, what are the latest additions? I have taken a lot of pictures tonight. I am tired and the light isn't the best, so I'll just post all the piccies I have. Easier than sitting here and trying to make a choice. You be the judge of which you like most. :-)
Two canisters made to look like they are made of enamel and two old leatherbound books.
A series of pewter items that I've been painting to look like china. The pewter isn't Warwick, so not the best quality, but once they're in the cabinet you won't see much of it anyway.
Long ago I have tried my hand at wood turning and this stand was the result, but I never found a use for it. Well, the owl did! He's been sitting in my containers for just as long I think and was happy to be let out....
This picture isn't very sharp, but I am not going to take it again. ;-) It's near my bedtime!!! It's also a pewter item that has been sitting in my containers for jonks. It must be really hungry and in search of something to eat.
These mice have already found their diner.... Aren't they cute? I bought the set at the Convention in New Zealand and knew just where they were going to go: right next to the mouse hole in the wall! The table is just a place holder at the moment, to fill up the room and next to it an old carpetbag with some paper rolls and a skull. The things Eucalypta comes home with!!!
Same picture, but with different lighting. Too dark I think.
A picture of my favorite corner again. I have now added the little cookbook on the chair. Eucalypta is a bit like me. Has no imagination whatsoever when it comes to cooking. ;-)
I don't know if you can see it in the picture, but the mushrooms on the board are the same as the mushrooms in the cookbook! Actually, it worked the other way around. I first found the picture of the mushrooms (through the Graphics Fairy site) and then made the mushrooms to look like the ones in the picture.
Just a pretty picture with the sun shining in...
And another one through the front window.
And last but not least, two pictures of the magic wand. It's laying on the table, but I thought I'd take a separate picture, because it was a bit hard to see on the table. It's simply made of a toothpick, a fancy bead and a glitter stone. They were in the stash of beads and things Jody sent me.
It's later than I thought. I'm off to bed and will welcome my new followers tomorrow.
Bye for now
Let's see, what are the latest additions? I have taken a lot of pictures tonight. I am tired and the light isn't the best, so I'll just post all the piccies I have. Easier than sitting here and trying to make a choice. You be the judge of which you like most. :-)
Two canisters made to look like they are made of enamel and two old leatherbound books.
He was sitting on a stack of books, but it was all pottery stuff, so didn't look good. A router got rid of the books and I've placed him on a stack of real books. He looks much happier now.
And another one through the front window.
And last but not least, two pictures of the magic wand. It's laying on the table, but I thought I'd take a separate picture, because it was a bit hard to see on the table. It's simply made of a toothpick, a fancy bead and a glitter stone. They were in the stash of beads and things Jody sent me.
It's later than I thought. I'm off to bed and will welcome my new followers tomorrow.
Bye for now
Thursday, 19 August 2010
A few more faces
Generally I don't like repeating things that I have made, but the containers with the faces were so much fun to do that I have made a few more:
The funny little thing on three legs was supposed to be a cauldron, but I realised too late that the shape isn't quite what it should have been and the little attachments for the handle broke off when I started working on it, so I didn't bother. I might use it as another pot to grow mushrooms in...
I have also put up the birds houses that I received for my birthday. I was going to use only two of them, but the I thought, why not, I can hang them on either side of the house... Should I try my hand at making a little birdie too??? Mmmmm, that requires some thinking.
In the meantime I want to welcome a few more followers. It always pleases me when I see that there are so many people interested in what I am doing. So a warm welcome to: Marie at Le Petit Monde Merveilleux de Marie and Jeannette Bashore at JRB Creations who I both have been able to welcome on my other blog as well. So welcome again! There's also Joy - Adora Bella Minis with no blog or website that I could detect. Welcome Joy and do you have a blog or website that I can add?
The funny little thing on three legs was supposed to be a cauldron, but I realised too late that the shape isn't quite what it should have been and the little attachments for the handle broke off when I started working on it, so I didn't bother. I might use it as another pot to grow mushrooms in...
I have also put up the birds houses that I received for my birthday. I was going to use only two of them, but the I thought, why not, I can hang them on either side of the house... Should I try my hand at making a little birdie too??? Mmmmm, that requires some thinking.
In the meantime I want to welcome a few more followers. It always pleases me when I see that there are so many people interested in what I am doing. So a warm welcome to: Marie at Le Petit Monde Merveilleux de Marie and Jeannette Bashore at JRB Creations who I both have been able to welcome on my other blog as well. So welcome again! There's also Joy - Adora Bella Minis with no blog or website that I could detect. Welcome Joy and do you have a blog or website that I can add?
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Small stuff
I had a bit of spare time this week and tried to make a few things to fill the cupboard, and some other corners and shelves (later) in Eucalypta's cottage. So I got the Fimo out (and Sculpey and the rest of the clays, because I use all sorts, depending on what I want to make) and set to work. Admittedly, I have had a good look around at a lot of your blogs to get some inspiration. Since I don't have any glass jars yet, besides a pot with wild honey that I used 'as is', I had to come up with something else, so if some of you recognise containers, I must have tried (with the emphasis on 'tried') to copy them. I don't think you'll mind, as I only use them for my own pleasure. I am not into selling stuff, so won't make any money using your imagination. :-) Besides, I am not at all good with working with clay and I can only dream of making scrumptious food like I have seen a lot of you people do. The mind boggles sometimes and I admire everyone who can work so precisely and so small and produces such perfect cakes, cookies, lunches and what not. Chapeau!!!
Enough of that. Here is what I have produced:
On top (you can hardly see it) is my first attempt at a skull. Not very successful, but I may try again.... On the top shelf the jar with wild honey, a fancy jar (bead and finding) and a pottery jar. I made a few of those to compensate for the lack of glass jars. On the next shelf down, a few more pottery jars and another one with a funny face. On the bottom cabinet besides the jars I have tried to make one of those fancy bottles (with a crooked neck), but wasn't so successful. You may have seen the originals. Oh boy, what a watered down version this one is! A lot happier was I with the mortar and pestle (a downright copy of the one in my own 1:1 kitchen and I am really happy with this one) and a delightful little blue-and-white bowl. The latter I was given by a 12 year old girl who really was a miniaturist in the bud. She made if of a gumnut and I have always treasured it. It deserves a place in Eucalypta's cottage. Behind the doors are a few attempts that don't need to go on show!
This is a close-up selection of the containers I made: I like the ones with the funny faces. And like the bottles, these I saw on your blogs as well and they inspired me greatly. I loved them, and I loved making them too.
This is the little cauldron for inside the cottage that I made of a large bead some time ago. It was waiting to be filled with some mushroom and herbs soup (including Eucalypta's other secret ingredients), but I had to wait till I could find liquid polymer clay. Which I did last week, hence the final picture.
And in preparation of the soup Eucalypta has a board on the floor near the fire with a few of her herbs and mushrooms, which are partially sliced.
Of course, she grows and picks her own mushrooms, although these are different from the ones she's put in her soup. They grow elswhere, a place deep in the forest, only known to Eucalypta..... The basket I haven't made myself, the bowl I did.
That's it for now. More photo's to come when everything is in place.
In the meantime I have gathered a few more followers. That's great. Just as well I had something new to show, because that's what you're here for after all...... At least, that's my guess. ;-)
So, a warm welcome to Clara again, but now I have discovered that you do have a blog after all: La vida en miniatura (Life in miniature) and the following people who all have blogs worthwhile visiting:
Tabitha at Tabitha Corsica (something for Alice in Wonderland fans).
Lainie Ball at Lainie's Little Things,
Casey at Casey's Minis,
Janny Warnaar from The Netherlands at Art of Mini,
Kim Saulter at It's a miniature life,
Marit at Black Cat Cottage,
and Jan Squires at The Giddy Kipper (I like the name of your blog!)
I hope you all will enjoy visiting my blog as I do yours. You're all very inspiring.
Till next time
Enough of that. Here is what I have produced:
On top (you can hardly see it) is my first attempt at a skull. Not very successful, but I may try again.... On the top shelf the jar with wild honey, a fancy jar (bead and finding) and a pottery jar. I made a few of those to compensate for the lack of glass jars. On the next shelf down, a few more pottery jars and another one with a funny face. On the bottom cabinet besides the jars I have tried to make one of those fancy bottles (with a crooked neck), but wasn't so successful. You may have seen the originals. Oh boy, what a watered down version this one is! A lot happier was I with the mortar and pestle (a downright copy of the one in my own 1:1 kitchen and I am really happy with this one) and a delightful little blue-and-white bowl. The latter I was given by a 12 year old girl who really was a miniaturist in the bud. She made if of a gumnut and I have always treasured it. It deserves a place in Eucalypta's cottage. Behind the doors are a few attempts that don't need to go on show!
This is a close-up selection of the containers I made: I like the ones with the funny faces. And like the bottles, these I saw on your blogs as well and they inspired me greatly. I loved them, and I loved making them too.
This is the little cauldron for inside the cottage that I made of a large bead some time ago. It was waiting to be filled with some mushroom and herbs soup (including Eucalypta's other secret ingredients), but I had to wait till I could find liquid polymer clay. Which I did last week, hence the final picture.
And in preparation of the soup Eucalypta has a board on the floor near the fire with a few of her herbs and mushrooms, which are partially sliced.
Of course, she grows and picks her own mushrooms, although these are different from the ones she's put in her soup. They grow elswhere, a place deep in the forest, only known to Eucalypta..... The basket I haven't made myself, the bowl I did.
That's it for now. More photo's to come when everything is in place.
In the meantime I have gathered a few more followers. That's great. Just as well I had something new to show, because that's what you're here for after all...... At least, that's my guess. ;-)
So, a warm welcome to Clara again, but now I have discovered that you do have a blog after all: La vida en miniatura (Life in miniature) and the following people who all have blogs worthwhile visiting:
Tabitha at Tabitha Corsica (something for Alice in Wonderland fans).
Lainie Ball at Lainie's Little Things,
Casey at Casey's Minis,
Janny Warnaar from The Netherlands at Art of Mini,
Kim Saulter at It's a miniature life,
Marit at Black Cat Cottage,
and Jan Squires at The Giddy Kipper (I like the name of your blog!)
I hope you all will enjoy visiting my blog as I do yours. You're all very inspiring.
Till next time
Friday, 30 July 2010
A new corner cabinet
Slowly inspiration is coming to me, but every so slowly....... Eucalypta needed a cabinet for storage, but I couldn't make up my mind. Finally I settled for a corner cabinet. Not too big, because it's only a small cottage and big funiture doesn't look good. I didn't feel like working with wood, so I dug out some cardboard from a box under the bench and set to work. Here is the result:
I didn't really want some old looking cabinet. Eucalypta is entitled to some good stuff too, don't you think? It's amazing what you can do with card and a few embellishments. I painted it a very dark red, because I don't like too many different colours in any particular setting. I think it's more pleasing for the eye this way.
Now I need to fill this cabinet. I wish I had some glass bottles that I could fill. I'll have a good look and in the meantime will try and think of a few other things. I'll show you when I've got something to fill this and who knows, I might also get inspiration to make some more furniture.
I might as well welcome two more followers: Francesca (Chipironini) at Petitissim who makes beautiful baby dolls and Clara who doesn't seem to have a blog. Welcome to both of you and I hope you'll enjoy following my blog.
See ya,
I didn't really want some old looking cabinet. Eucalypta is entitled to some good stuff too, don't you think? It's amazing what you can do with card and a few embellishments. I painted it a very dark red, because I don't like too many different colours in any particular setting. I think it's more pleasing for the eye this way.
Now I need to fill this cabinet. I wish I had some glass bottles that I could fill. I'll have a good look and in the meantime will try and think of a few other things. I'll show you when I've got something to fill this and who knows, I might also get inspiration to make some more furniture.
I might as well welcome two more followers: Francesca (Chipironini) at Petitissim who makes beautiful baby dolls and Clara who doesn't seem to have a blog. Welcome to both of you and I hope you'll enjoy following my blog.
See ya,
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
New shoes
What's a witch without shoes? That's what a good friend of mine thought! Nadia came to my workshop at the weekend and had a present for me. Uhhhh, no, not for me. OMG I nearly stept on Eucalypta's toes....... (pardon the pun). A present for Eucalypta. How she knew her size, I don't know, because Eucalypta is currently packed away, or shall I say: "Not At Home"...... So, therefore I have put her new shoes under the chair near the fire. When she comes home she'll enjoy nice warm shoes:
They look so lovely. I am thrilled. I should be working on the cottage a bit more. Will do my best!
In the meantime I discovered that in our absence we have gained a few more followers. I really need to start thinking about a giveway for when I reach 100!!!!
But first things first. A warm welcome to:
Kriana at Miniaturas Kriana
I think a group of miniaturists (?) at Casitamini (I don't understand Spanish that well ;-))
Karen Casper from near Cologne, Germany at KC Design
Tebbina from Germany (?) at Tebbinas Traum
Lorraine at DflyCreations
Jonna "Rudoo" at Buggaboos
Allyson at Free Spirit Farm
Linda at Linda's Minis
And then there are also Ria van Woggelum who I know, but Ria, I can't remember if you have a website or not. Please let me know, and there's also Miniaturemaid for whom I couldn't detect a link. Anyway, welcome to both of you as well.
And this is really it for now. It's nearly dinner time and I am famished. See you later.....
They look so lovely. I am thrilled. I should be working on the cottage a bit more. Will do my best!
In the meantime I discovered that in our absence we have gained a few more followers. I really need to start thinking about a giveway for when I reach 100!!!!
But first things first. A warm welcome to:
Kriana at Miniaturas Kriana
I think a group of miniaturists (?) at Casitamini (I don't understand Spanish that well ;-))
Karen Casper from near Cologne, Germany at KC Design
Tebbina from Germany (?) at Tebbinas Traum
Lorraine at DflyCreations
Jonna "Rudoo" at Buggaboos
Allyson at Free Spirit Farm
Linda at Linda's Minis
And then there are also Ria van Woggelum who I know, but Ria, I can't remember if you have a website or not. Please let me know, and there's also Miniaturemaid for whom I couldn't detect a link. Anyway, welcome to both of you as well.
And this is really it for now. It's nearly dinner time and I am famished. See you later.....
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Beatriz's Blog
Yes, Beatriz has a blog: Miniaturas de Beatriz Fernandez. Go and check it out. Crochet work, mandrakes, human fingers and horns of unicorn, and much more....... Thank you Beatriz. Bye the way, my understanding of Spanish gets better every day. ;-)
Also Jana has a blog about miniature books. Sooo beautiful: Janas Minibuecher. Thanks Jana, when I am not making plants I am working on my next favorite part of the hobby: book making! I just wish there were more hours in the day.......
Also Jana has a blog about miniature books. Sooo beautiful: Janas Minibuecher. Thanks Jana, when I am not making plants I am working on my next favorite part of the hobby: book making! I just wish there were more hours in the day.......
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
My new blog
It doesn't look like it here, but I have been working hard. I have started another blog for my miniature hobby in general. Go and have a look at Marion's Miniatures. Enjoy.
Oh, and I would like to welcome Beatriz Fernandez as my latest follower. Couldn't find a reference to a blog or website. Do you have one Beatriz?
Oh, and I would like to welcome Beatriz Fernandez as my latest follower. Couldn't find a reference to a blog or website. Do you have one Beatriz?
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Again a Warm Welcome to....
...a few more followers, or may I call you friends. We all share the same interests, don't we?
First of all a warm welcome to a 'real' friend (as opposed to a 'cyber' friend), Ria from The Netherlands. Ria is the producer of all those lovely flower and plant kits that I can't seem to get enough of and use everywhere I can in my miniature scenes. She doesn't have a blog, but if you're interested in her kits, look at her site called VaRIAatjes. Lovely to see you here Ria.
Next there is Kat Hazelton aka Kat the Hat Lady. Have a look at her wonderful witch hats, and of late, matching witch and wizard sets including: shoes! Welcome Kat.
And there's also Jana Wichmann with no blog that I can find. Do you have one Jana? Would love to see what your interests are.
Apologies for my lack of updates on this blog, but it's just not happening. Still being tied up with a workshop project that eats up all my time. Hopefully finished soon, because I would love to go back to working on my witch's cottage after having been inspired by so many people with wonderful inspirational blogs.
First of all a warm welcome to a 'real' friend (as opposed to a 'cyber' friend), Ria from The Netherlands. Ria is the producer of all those lovely flower and plant kits that I can't seem to get enough of and use everywhere I can in my miniature scenes. She doesn't have a blog, but if you're interested in her kits, look at her site called VaRIAatjes. Lovely to see you here Ria.
Next there is Kat Hazelton aka Kat the Hat Lady. Have a look at her wonderful witch hats, and of late, matching witch and wizard sets including: shoes! Welcome Kat.
And there's also Jana Wichmann with no blog that I can find. Do you have one Jana? Would love to see what your interests are.
Apologies for my lack of updates on this blog, but it's just not happening. Still being tied up with a workshop project that eats up all my time. Hopefully finished soon, because I would love to go back to working on my witch's cottage after having been inspired by so many people with wonderful inspirational blogs.
Friday, 21 May 2010
The last ones, and a few newbies :-)
I hope to finish welcoming the last in the row of followers and also a few newbies that I discovered this morning.. Here goes (again)....
A warm welcome to
Kate from Surrey, UK at Whittaker's Miniatures
Debbie from Wales, UK at Tiny Treasures and Happy Anniversary to you!
Julia also from Wales, UK at Bear Cabin Miniatures - Congrats on the lovely cottage that Hywel made
Rianne from Sauerland, Germany at Das Strunzertaler Volk - Trollen, mmmmm, very cute
Nikki Rowe at Witch & Wizard Miniatures - one of my earliest followers and you can't get any more witchy or wizardy than at her blog........
Jeannette from Germany at Garden of Miniatures - the difference between Jeannette and me? I make plants, she makes the most beautiful plants......
Ann at Whitch Craft, an inspiring cardmaking site. Cardmaking is my other hobby
And Icubed001, my first follower if I am correct, alas no blog mentioned
Next I want to welcome a few people that I know personally (and one at least I had lost sight of for a while)
Welcome and nice to see you here:
Carolyn from New Zealand at Carolyn's Little Kitchen I had the pleasure of actually meeting Carolyn and seeing first hand the beautiful minis she makes
Denise from Toowoomba, Australia at Deni's Dollhouse Mania - Denise not only makes beautiful miniatures but equally beautiful quilts (full size!)
Klara from The Netherlands at Klara's Blog and
Margriet, also from The Netherlands at My Weblog
Both Klara and Margriet I have known for a long time as Mini Friends from a Dutch List by that name that I have been a member of since the beginning.
My apologies to those who have visited this page before I did the editing. I had to post it unfinished as my internet connection was playing up again and I didn't want to loose all the information. So next in line are the latest new followers whom I want to wish a warm welcome as well:
Carol at True2scale
Michelle from Belgium at Michelle's poppenhuizen en Miniaturen
Glenda at Peppercorn Minis
Ingrid from Vlaams Brabant, Belgium at Mijn Droomwereldje
All well worth a visit. The diversity and talent are great, as usual.
And last but not least to followers who don't appear to have a blog: aurus35 and Kayjay. If you do have a blog, please can you make it known to us. I would most definitely pay a visit.
That's all for now. At least all my followers have been welcomed. I am going temporarily back to the projects in hand. See you and please keep visiting. A friendly (LOL) comment is also welcome. Don't be shy. ;-)
Bye for now........
A warm welcome to
Kate from Surrey, UK at Whittaker's Miniatures
Debbie from Wales, UK at Tiny Treasures and Happy Anniversary to you!
Julia also from Wales, UK at Bear Cabin Miniatures - Congrats on the lovely cottage that Hywel made
Rianne from Sauerland, Germany at Das Strunzertaler Volk - Trollen, mmmmm, very cute
Nikki Rowe at Witch & Wizard Miniatures - one of my earliest followers and you can't get any more witchy or wizardy than at her blog........
Jeannette from Germany at Garden of Miniatures - the difference between Jeannette and me? I make plants, she makes the most beautiful plants......
Ann at Whitch Craft, an inspiring cardmaking site. Cardmaking is my other hobby
And Icubed001, my first follower if I am correct, alas no blog mentioned
Next I want to welcome a few people that I know personally (and one at least I had lost sight of for a while)
Welcome and nice to see you here:
Carolyn from New Zealand at Carolyn's Little Kitchen I had the pleasure of actually meeting Carolyn and seeing first hand the beautiful minis she makes
Denise from Toowoomba, Australia at Deni's Dollhouse Mania - Denise not only makes beautiful miniatures but equally beautiful quilts (full size!)
Klara from The Netherlands at Klara's Blog and
Margriet, also from The Netherlands at My Weblog
Both Klara and Margriet I have known for a long time as Mini Friends from a Dutch List by that name that I have been a member of since the beginning.
My apologies to those who have visited this page before I did the editing. I had to post it unfinished as my internet connection was playing up again and I didn't want to loose all the information. So next in line are the latest new followers whom I want to wish a warm welcome as well:
Carol at True2scale
Michelle from Belgium at Michelle's poppenhuizen en Miniaturen
Glenda at Peppercorn Minis
Ingrid from Vlaams Brabant, Belgium at Mijn Droomwereldje
All well worth a visit. The diversity and talent are great, as usual.
And last but not least to followers who don't appear to have a blog: aurus35 and Kayjay. If you do have a blog, please can you make it known to us. I would most definitely pay a visit.
That's all for now. At least all my followers have been welcomed. I am going temporarily back to the projects in hand. See you and please keep visiting. A friendly (LOL) comment is also welcome. Don't be shy. ;-)
Bye for now........
Thursday, 20 May 2010
No, not with the work on my cottage, but welcoming all my followers....... :-) They are getting more every day. I am puzzled (but happy LOL), because I didn't think my blog was a very interesting one.
Well, I am going to welcome a few more people that have shown interest:
A warm welcome to:
Rominis from Barcelona, Spain at Romiminis
Silke Janas-Schloesser from Germany at Silke's Miniatures
Lara at Lara's miniature world
Debie Lyons from Birmingham at Piskies and Poppets
Janice from Hertfordshire, UK at On being a mini mum
Michelle at Michelle's Mad World
Alafosca from Barcelona, Spain at Altafulla Miniatures
Lil'la from Kaarina, Finland at Lil'la
Anneke from the Netherlands at Pieplyts
Annie from Denmark at Obsidian Hall
Ira from Finland at Merry Jingle
Jolie from Calgary, Canada at Jolie's Sanctuary
I have had a look at all the above blogs and after that it was completely quiet overhere. (Not very unusual since I am living by myself at the moment LOL), but even more quiet then usual, if you get my drift. Worth well taking a look at altogether........
Then I would like to welcome Garoldhart for whom I couldn't find a blog, and I want to wish Celestial , (whose name really is Alennka) welcome again, complete with her blog addie: Dollshouse Daydreams
This is it for tonight. Bedtime for me....... and thanks for visiting my blog.
Well, I am going to welcome a few more people that have shown interest:
A warm welcome to:
Rominis from Barcelona, Spain at Romiminis
Silke Janas-Schloesser from Germany at Silke's Miniatures
Lara at Lara's miniature world
Debie Lyons from Birmingham at Piskies and Poppets
Janice from Hertfordshire, UK at On being a mini mum
Michelle at Michelle's Mad World
Alafosca from Barcelona, Spain at Altafulla Miniatures
Lil'la from Kaarina, Finland at Lil'la
Anneke from the Netherlands at Pieplyts
Annie from Denmark at Obsidian Hall
Ira from Finland at Merry Jingle
Jolie from Calgary, Canada at Jolie's Sanctuary
I have had a look at all the above blogs and after that it was completely quiet overhere. (Not very unusual since I am living by myself at the moment LOL), but even more quiet then usual, if you get my drift. Worth well taking a look at altogether........
Then I would like to welcome Garoldhart for whom I couldn't find a blog, and I want to wish Celestial , (whose name really is Alennka) welcome again, complete with her blog addie: Dollshouse Daydreams
This is it for tonight. Bedtime for me....... and thanks for visiting my blog.
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
May 18 - More Followers to welcome
I am lagging behind and every day I discover more followers of my blog. I'm thrilled! I really have to pull my socks up to try and get the list done. Here goes:
Welcome to:
Marleen from The Netherlands at Marleen's Miniaturen
Jamie Moore at Creepy Creations
Karin F from Canada at Mini Ramblings and Musings
Jody from The Netherlands at Jody's Miniwereld
Monika from Germany at Puppenstubennostalgie
Bozse from Hungary at My Tiny World
Dora at Miniaturas Dora
Lisette from The Netherlands at Lisette's Miniaturen
Mary Williams from the UK at Mary Williams Dollshouse dolls blog
Cheryl from Hawaii USA at A Miniature Place
Carol from Doncaster UK at Starsgemini3
Nina Zabienski from Ruhrpott, Germany at MiniMumm
Hanna & Jaleijona from Finland at Mini Makers
My wee life
The old maid
Sara Carlson and Susanne, our mystery followers (do you have a blog Sara and Susanne?)
In the meantime I have managed to visit all your blogs and I was blown away by so much talent, so much creativity, so much innovation and so much to learn from all of you. Thank you so much for following my blog too.
I have also had to edit this posting for the umptieth time due to bad internet connections. I am giving up for today and hope to have another chance soon to meet the rest of my kind followers. Thank you all.
Welcome to:
Marleen from The Netherlands at Marleen's Miniaturen
Jamie Moore at Creepy Creations
Karin F from Canada at Mini Ramblings and Musings
Jody from The Netherlands at Jody's Miniwereld
Monika from Germany at Puppenstubennostalgie
Bozse from Hungary at My Tiny World
Dora at Miniaturas Dora
Lisette from The Netherlands at Lisette's Miniaturen
Mary Williams from the UK at Mary Williams Dollshouse dolls blog
Cheryl from Hawaii USA at A Miniature Place
Carol from Doncaster UK at Starsgemini3
Nina Zabienski from Ruhrpott, Germany at MiniMumm
Hanna & Jaleijona from Finland at Mini Makers
My wee life
The old maid
Sara Carlson and Susanne, our mystery followers (do you have a blog Sara and Susanne?)
In the meantime I have managed to visit all your blogs and I was blown away by so much talent, so much creativity, so much innovation and so much to learn from all of you. Thank you so much for following my blog too.
I have also had to edit this posting for the umptieth time due to bad internet connections. I am giving up for today and hope to have another chance soon to meet the rest of my kind followers. Thank you all.
Friday, 14 May 2010
May 14 - Welcome
Today I have started to have a look in all earnest at the blogs of all my (amazingly 55 already!) followers. As I am visiting your blogs I am going to welcome you with a personal message, but bear with me, it will be slow going. :-) Also, I don't necessarily start with the first ones, because at this stage I have no idea anymore in what order you have found my blog...... As I said before, I feel very honoured that you visit me and I hope the relationship will last for times to come. I was also surprised to see so many blogs in the Spanish language. Unfortunately it's a language I don't speak or write, but on the other hand, I can 'read' pictures in any language. LOL Why don't I start with the Spanish blogs first:
Nuria from Alicante, Spain at http://mininuris.blogspot.com/ I think you've made something to do with a wedding. I recognised the Playmobil bride and groom. Those little dolls I remember very well from when my boys were toddlers. And what a beautiful house, the Roma. That'll keep you busy for a while.
Carmen at http://cositasdecarmen.blogspot.com/ I love your doilies. Beautiful lacework. However, I am not sure if it is 1:12th or full size work, but in any case, they're beautifully done.
Ana Anselmo at http://miniaturesforever.blogspot.com/ You match your colours beautifully. I like your beds and the way you match the fabrics and your quilts are so colourful.
Ascension at http://ascension-misminiaturas.blogspot.com/ You seem to have finished a colourful little scene. I like it.
Angeles at http://elrincondebaldu.blogspot.com/ Beautiful witch's hats. I should tell my Eucalypta. I'm sure she would love to have one like them...... Is Baldu a witch by any chance?
Maria Jose from Valencia at http://marivigano.blogspot.com/ It's amazing how all those blogs differ so much. Here I see a pretty soap box and even prettier table lamps. Well done.
Maija at http://iidasanttu.vuodatus.net/ I saw a picture on your blog of a marvellous dollshouse.
Alienora at http://alienora.blox.pl/html Thanks for your comments in English.I don't understand your language at all. Is it Polish? I like the work you do and it makes it easier for me to know what it's all about.
Maria at http://diaryofaminiaturist.blogspot.com/ Maria, such daring pictures on your blog. :-) Great to be able to share the hobby with your mum.
Dangerous Mezzo at http://tudordollhouse.blogspot.com/ Wonderful work you're doing in Tudor style. I love it.
Donna at http://hagerbears.blogspot.com/ Oh, I see a Rik Pierce workshop. You'll have lots of fun for some time to come....... A work of art!
Celestial, Naomi and Christine, thanks for joining. Do you have a blog?
I managed quite a number today, didn't I? I have really enjoyed my travels through all the blogs. Such a diversity and so many talented people. Hope to meet the rest of you all very soon. Goodbye for now.
Nuria from Alicante, Spain at http://mininuris.blogspot.com/ I think you've made something to do with a wedding. I recognised the Playmobil bride and groom. Those little dolls I remember very well from when my boys were toddlers. And what a beautiful house, the Roma. That'll keep you busy for a while.
Carmen at http://cositasdecarmen.blogspot.com/ I love your doilies. Beautiful lacework. However, I am not sure if it is 1:12th or full size work, but in any case, they're beautifully done.
Ana Anselmo at http://miniaturesforever.blogspot.com/ You match your colours beautifully. I like your beds and the way you match the fabrics and your quilts are so colourful.
Ascension at http://ascension-misminiaturas.blogspot.com/ You seem to have finished a colourful little scene. I like it.
Angeles at http://elrincondebaldu.blogspot.com/ Beautiful witch's hats. I should tell my Eucalypta. I'm sure she would love to have one like them...... Is Baldu a witch by any chance?
Maria Jose from Valencia at http://marivigano.blogspot.com/ It's amazing how all those blogs differ so much. Here I see a pretty soap box and even prettier table lamps. Well done.
Maija at http://iidasanttu.vuodatus.net/ I saw a picture on your blog of a marvellous dollshouse.
Alienora at http://alienora.blox.pl/html Thanks for your comments in English.I don't understand your language at all. Is it Polish? I like the work you do and it makes it easier for me to know what it's all about.
Maria at http://diaryofaminiaturist.blogspot.com/ Maria, such daring pictures on your blog. :-) Great to be able to share the hobby with your mum.
Dangerous Mezzo at http://tudordollhouse.blogspot.com/ Wonderful work you're doing in Tudor style. I love it.
Donna at http://hagerbears.blogspot.com/ Oh, I see a Rik Pierce workshop. You'll have lots of fun for some time to come....... A work of art!
Celestial, Naomi and Christine, thanks for joining. Do you have a blog?
I managed quite a number today, didn't I? I have really enjoyed my travels through all the blogs. Such a diversity and so many talented people. Hope to meet the rest of you all very soon. Goodbye for now.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Part 19 - 20 April 2010
"It's no good to me without a magic wand", she says. Well, she'd better start catching up on some reading, because the magic wand might have to wait a while. I had a real cute idea in mind, but I needed a special punch. I'd bought it at a craft show last year and it was sitting in a box till I knew what to use it for. It just so happened that it broke the very first time I used it (yesterday). A disappointment to say the least, but a good reason for Eucalypta to learn some patience!
The book, by the way, I have designed and printed out myself. Although the words are in classical print, they can be read by us humans, however one would need strong reading glasses or a magnifying glass....... It wouldn't be any good to us anyway, because what do we, simple human beings, know about spells? Just ask Eucalypta.
And now I'm going back to my other job. I am conducting a workshop on paperclay in July and haven't even finished the prototype for it. To save time I need casts for a lot of parts and I am presently learning how to make moulds and casts. Slow going, but I'm getting there. That's half the fun of this hobby: learning new things and new techniques. See you around.......
Monday, 12 April 2010
Interlude - 12 April 2010
A warm welcome to all my followers. I only recently noticed that the number has increased to a huge 20! I feel very honored and I hope that you all will be suitably entertained by Eucalypta the witch. She's sort of taken over my blog now she's involved in furnishing the house, so I don't get much say in it any more ;-) Probably just as well, because at heart I am not a witch person, so it's very hard for me to get inspiration past building the cottage and landscaping the bit around it. It's slow going, but I hope that one day Eucalypta will be living happy for ever after in her abode.....
See you next time and have a nice day.
See you next time and have a nice day.
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Part 18 - 11 April 2010
Well, Eucalypta is happy. She finally got her table. She'd been muttering for some time now that: "A table would be handy...." hint, hint......, but there just wasn't the right kind of wood to be found around her house. So, when she heard that I was going to Tasmania for a holiday, she jumped up and cried: "Ooohhhh, you can bring me something reaaaaaly nice. There's this Huon Pine that grows there. Bring me a piece, pleaaaaase????" Well, what can you do? Of course I brought her a piece and all she needed to do was fix some legs and supports underneath and there it was, a beautiful 'bush' table. She's just finished polishing it with real bees' wax
table top made of Huon Pine
And while I was taking pictures of the new table I discovered that she'd already added some more stuff she hadn't told me about. Or, was it my memory playing up again???? Anyway, she's got a cooking pot over the fire and some brass ladles. I noticed a bunch of keys hanging on the corner post as well, so next thing will be: "When will you fix my door????" Just wait for it.......
the new cooking pot
brass ladles
"I need some mandrakes now for cooking....."
Now she's asked me for some mandrakes for the soup now her cooking pot is hanging. There's just no end to all the jobs she finds for me...... (I thought she wanted to do everything herself, but it appeared to be only the furnishing so far)
Anyway, I think I'll make a book of spells and a magic wand next, so she can create her own things without harrasing me.
See you next time.......
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Part 17 - 17 March 2010
Eucalypta the witch appears to be a very headstrong person. She doesn't like me furnishing her house. She's got her own ideas....... Also, she didn't like me telling you that I had distressed that beautiful white cane chair. That was her idea (!) and..... it didn't look old enough anyway. So, here's a better version:

The cushion is worn through and the cat's been pulling out the fillings
Neither does she want to spend a lot of money on furniture. "There's enough wood around the house and in the forest", she says, so out she goes, gathers some wood and grasses and this is the result of an afternoon of hard work (on her part, I hasten to add!): A "bush" chair.

The cushion is worn through and the cat's been pulling out the fillings
Neither does she want to spend a lot of money on furniture. "There's enough wood around the house and in the forest", she says, so out she goes, gathers some wood and grasses and this is the result of an afternoon of hard work (on her part, I hasten to add!): A "bush" chair.
It's not quite finished yet, but she needs to go and find some more wood to stabalise the legs.

Which she has done now, and it looks a lot better (and safer to sit on.......)

She's also found and old rug for the chair near the fireplace and thrown her wrap over the chair. It's hot enough without near the fire.
Which she has done now, and it looks a lot better (and safer to sit on.......)
She's also found and old rug for the chair near the fireplace and thrown her wrap over the chair. It's hot enough without near the fire.
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Part 16 - 14 February 2010

Finally some more work done. It's going ever so slowly, mainly because I am also working on my Florist. However, I've done something and it was very daring indeed. Dear friend and miniaturist Dorothée had given me the lovely white (and woven by her) cane chair in the picture above. I loved it and I wanted to find a good house for it........ And where did you think it ended up? Yes, in the Witch's Cottage! But, it had to undergo a drastic change, because my dear witch (hadn't I better give her a name?) didn't want a beautiful white chair. No, it had to be an old, comfy one! So, I got my paints out, a cup of coffee (so I could spill some!) and a pair of scissors and I set to work. See here the result: comfy and most certainly: old!

While I am putting this blog instalment together I have been thinking about a name for my witch. She's going to be called Eucalypta after the (somewhat nasty) witch from the Dutch (and I believe also British) tv series in the 60s or 70s: Paulus the Woodgnome. Who knows, Paulus might even pay my witch's cottage a visit in the future........ And I think the name Eucalypta is quite appropriate for an Australian witch living amongst the Eucalypts!
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